19, Jan, 2023

8 Essential checklists for moving by family

8 Essential checklists for moving by family

There are several things to remember to relocate your residence. Especially moving by family, we need to think about our kids and working area. We are here to help you simplify the checklists.

Checklist overview

  1. The distance from school to house
  2. The convenience of using public transportation
  3. The proximity to major roadways
  4. The distance from work to house
  5. The nearby shopping mall
  6. The nearby park
  7. The view from the front and back of the house
  8. The overall atmosphere of the neighbourhood



1. What is the distance from school to house ? 

kids in elementary

 The school being far or close to the home definitely affects your kids. Long commute everyday is physically and mentally tiring for them. And it’s harder for him or her to do other activites after getting home. When they live close to the school, it’s better to connect with other friends and attend some school events.

 Here is the school list in North Vancouver. Find a nearby school from your district.


2. What is the convenience of using public transportation?

 Children or Students use public transportation for commuting to school or other areas.  They get well acquainted with the roads and the general geography of their location by using them. 

 Also, when the public transportation is nearby, we get flexibility. Many times when you want to go out on a Friday or Saturday night for dinner or a movie, you could avoid the hassle of driving. It helps with the budget. And, do not forget it’s sustainable for the environment.


3. What is the proximity to major roadways ?

North Vancouver major road

 Major roadways make it easy to get wherever you need to go, without figuring out random streets and complicated routes to your destination. Some studies show that home value increases especially when it’s connected to a bigger city’s road system. 


4. How far is it from work?

 Now it’s time to think about parents. Commuting to work is a significant aspect. Reaching work on time is essential. During rush hour, we calculate the time on the car. It helps to set an appropriate time for life and work balance. 


5. Where is the nearby shopping mall ? 

 Living close to a mall means you’ll have easy access to essential establishments. It provides you comfort and convenience. There are plenty of choices when it comes to enjoying and eating with your family during the weekend.

Nearby shopping centers in North/West Vancouver area.


6. Is there a park nearby?

dad and son in park

 The park will allow your family an open space to enjoy physical activity. Contact with nature remains a critical factor in the health and development of children. They get fresh air and hang around a wide playground. It gives a lot of benefits to your children’s wellbeing. 

The top 5 benefits of living near a park


7. What is the view from the front and back of the house?

 Having a beautiful view in your comfort place will make it more relaxing. According to some studies, Good views like mountains, beaches, and parks have health benefits that can reduce anger, fear and stress.


8. What is the overall atmosphere of the neighborhood?

grab hands with neighborhood            8 Essential checklists for moving by family

 Apart from the family, the neighborhood in which they grow up and belong to is an integral part of the environment that influences children. After school they have time with close friends who live nearby. It remains unforgettable memories until they grow up. Also It helps to make them social human beings who could sympathize with others and have a belonging.

Here are the 8 essential lists for checking a house for a family. Let’s set the priorities. You get more clear what features of the house you are looking for.  It makes it easier to find the right house.

The Prime Group is the real estate in North Vancouver. We have great insight about North Vancouver Area. From our wide range of connections of experts, We provide you the “prime living experience“.

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(604) 973-1155
849 Homer St,
Vancouver, V6B 2W2